書道家 展覧会 東京 銀座 whitestone 新井文月 山口芳水 アート art
Whitestone Ginza New Gallery
▍山口芳水 | 新井文月: 2人展
▍2019.09.06 – 09.29
▍11:00 – 19:00(月曜定休)
この度、ホワイトストーン・ギャラリー銀座・新館では山口芳水と新井文月の2人展を開催いたします。書道家・山口芳水は佐賀県佐賀市生まれ。父親である山口流芳の指導のもと幼少より書を始めた山口は、18歳のときに開眼。常識や既成の概念に捉われず、他ジャンルのアーティストたちとの積極的なコラボレーションやインスタレーション作品を発表し、新しい書のあり方を提示し続け現在に至っています。新井文月は多摩美術大学美術学部情報デザイン学科を卒業。企業のWebデザイナーとして活躍後、2014年ニューヨークにて初個展を開催。躍動感のある筆使いには、ダンスに傾倒したこともある経験が投影されています。また、宇宙や銀河といったテーマが、黒の中に光を投入せしめます。2015年にはイスラムと日本の親和性についての作品を発表し、Arab Week 2015 Art Exhibitionに出展。主催国のオマーン/パレスチナ大使より日本アラブ友好感謝賞を授与されました。書評家としても活躍するなど、古今東西の文化に絶えずエッジの効いた眼差しを向け続けています。この機会を是非ご高覧賜りますようご案内申し上げます。
Whitestone Ginza New Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition by two promising artists, Housui Yamaguchi and Fuzuki Arai. Calligrapher Housui Yamaguchi was born in Saga prefecture, began calligraphy from an early age under the guidance of his father, Ryuhou Yamaguchi, and opened his eyes to the diversity of expression when he was 18. His artworks are free from any fixed idea or common sense through the experience of having been actively collaborating with various artists beyond the boundary and presenting installation works, which lead him to suggest a new frontier of calligraphy. Fuzuki Arai graduated from Tama Art University, Department of Information Design. After working in an enterprise as a web designer, Fuzuki held his first solo exhibition in New York in 2014. His dynamic brushstrokes was cultivated by his experience of devoting himself as a dancer. In addition, his subjects based on universe and galaxies will provide the dazzling light into the world of jet-black darkness efficiently. In 2015, the work pursued the affinity between Islam and Japan was exhibited at “the Arab Week 2015 Art Exhibition’’ and received the Japan-Arab Friendship Award from the host country, Ambassador of Oman / Palestine. The artist has been also active as a book reviewer casting his keen eyes into the cultures of all ages and countries. We cordially invite you to come visit this precious opportunity.
Whitestone Ginza New Gallery
担当: 橘
Tel: +81 (0)3 3574 6161
書道家 展覧会 東京 銀座 whitestone 新井文月 山口芳水 アート art